Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"Spring"ing Into Production

Happy May! Spring is here and we couldn't be more relieved and excited! The trees are finally green way up here on the mountaintops, the grass is growing faster than ever, and the warm sun rays are already making a big impression on our white winter skin. Spring is one of the best times of year here on the farm. After going through a hard, cold winter (although we only caught the last of it since we were in Florida), there isn't much that is more beautiful than green grass, blooming trees, and Spring flowers. One of my (Rachel's) favorite things to do in the Spring and Summer is gather fresh wild flowers for the table. My first picking was the other day from a gorgeous Dogwood. We also picked flowers from a Red Bud tree and ate them in a salad...it was delicious! Spring is also the time to kick things into high gear as farmers. One of the amazing things about farming and living off the land is that you are constantly in tune with the seasons. Typically, Winter is the time to relax, enjoy family and friends, sit by the fire and read or write, and reminisce over a (hopefully) successful year. There are still chores to be done and a few animals to keep alive, but that's the general pattern for Winter. As soon as Spring starts to peak it's head around the corner, it's time to start moving! Animals come in, grass needs grazing, shelters need building or fixing, vegetables need planting, and the warm weather and sunshine make for a big appetite and deep sleep at night! Thankfully we decided to start small, especially since this is our first year of farming on our own, so we haven't been overwhelmed by too much of a work load.